How to Get Rid of Blackheads Fast
So here we are going to tell you How to Get Rid of Blackheads Fast so without waisting any more time lets begin.
Use a clay mask
Clay masks are often considered must-haves for oily skin. They work by retrieving dirt, oil, and other elements deep from your pores. As far as blackheads are concerned, clay masks can even loosen and remove clogged pores. L’Oréal’s Detox and Brighten Clay Mask is one such product worth looking in to.
Some clay masks, such as Michael Todd’s Kaolin Clay Detoxifying Facial Mask, also contain sulfur. Sulfur is another ingredient that works to break down the dead skin cells that make up blackheads.
No matter which mask you choose, you can use it once a week in addition to your once- or twice-weekly exfoliating treatment.
Make a boric powder solution
One recommended treatment is the application of highly diluted boric acid mixed with water. Boric is a mild acid that you can buy from the pharmacy. Mix one and a half cups of hot water with half a tablespoon of boric acid powder. Dip a face cloth into the solution and dab this onto your skin. You can leave this for fifteen or twenty minutes to work.
- There are no studies supporting the use of boric acid for acne. There is evidence to suggest that it does have antibacterial and antiviral properties; however it has not proven to be effective for acne.
- Although diluted formulations are known to be safe for abrasions and treating vaginal bacterial disease, boric acid if not diluted properly can cause severe skin and eye irritation.
- In addition, there are a few case reports of patients who used an ointment containing boric acid that caused an acne eruption.
- Be aware that boric acid is a pesticide and be toxic to infants if inhaled or ingested.
Use a charcoal mask
Like clay
masks, charcoal masks work deep in the skin to draw out oil, dead skin
cells, and other impurities. The ingredient charcoal is thought to take
these benefits up another notch.
Use Iodine and Epsom SaltsThis method is supposed to pull the plug of oil and dead skin out of your pore. Epsom Salts can be a good exfoliant. Mix a teaspoon of Epsom Salts with four drops of Iodine in half a cup of hot water. Stir until all the salts have dissolved and the temperature has dropped a little. Once the solution is at a safe temperature, apply to your face with cotton balls and let it dry. Then wash off and pat your face dry. Again, there is no evidence that this method actually removes blackheads. If left on your skin for too long or overused, iodine can cause severe skin reactions, or may put you at risk for hyperthyroidism.
Use a comedones extractor
A comedones extractor is a tool used by dermatologists and licensed aestheticians to remove blackheads, but you can use one at home, too. It is easy to use and there is far less risk of damaging your skin than if you try to squeeze out a blackhead with your fingers.
- After cleansing your skin, place the loop over the blackhead and apply gentle pressure, then pull the tool down. The blackhead should pop out of your pore.
- Do not press too hard. If the blackhead doesn't come out with gentle pressure, treat it with a topical cream. Pressing too hard may damage your skin.
- Make sure you clean your skin and the tool after use to avoid the spread of bacteria and possibly clogging other pores.
Steam open your pores
Before you think about
squeezing or pulling them out, you need to really loosen the pores.
Blackheads are very sticky and won’t come out easily, but by loosening
the pores you give yourself the best chance of success. An excellent way
to do this is to carefully hold your face at least a foot above a bowl
of steaming water for ten to fifteen minutes. Getting any closer can
cause burns.
Avoid squeezing- Place a towel over your head so the steam can't escape.
- You will feel the steam beginning to loosen your pores.
- You can also soak a washcloth in hot water and lay it over your face.
Never squeeze, pick, or pop blackheads. Squeezing blackheads can cause inflammation and infection, and will certainly not stop the blackheads coming back.
Pull them out with blackhead strips
You can use special blackhead strips to pull out your blackheads. This technique is less likely to irritate your skin. It is only a temporary fix, but it could be exactly what you need in an emergency.Combine occasional use of strips with a good cleaning and exfoliating regime. For the best results, it’s a good idea to use a treatment cream for a few nights in a row to loosen your pores before you try using a blackhead strip.
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